
Tid Bit - Deciphering Women's Language in Dating

Men: In dating phase, If women are really interested in you then they will make time to be with you. If they are not they will make time to avoid you! If they are avoiding you then don't ask them the reason (if you do) because its irrelevant. Why? Because if you ask them they will never come outright to tell you what was wrong because they don't want to hurt your feelings. That's how they are. So they let you down easily!   You will get Something on these lines like I am not ready to date but you have been such a great guy. (Paradox: If you were such a great guy then she would be with you!!). Meaning I am ready to date someone else but not you 😃. Now, if they do tell you what was actually wrong, then they have already made up their mind. Nothing that you will say or do will change things at that moment. It might happen later but you will have to= basically Move on or Date someone else  When you have started dating: Also you will also hear some of these lines wh...

Indian Tradition

In India you have this ritual or tradition where the children or young one's in the family bow down (Namaskar)  or touch the feet of their Parents or elderly in the family everyday to receive their blessings. Also their is something else, you bow down to sun in morning (Surya Namaskar) to thank for giving light & life to you & this planet. But I just realized it today that it has another impact on us behaviorally. It makes you humble & down to earth because then you realize that there is something or someone above you guiding your life & you are not neurotically engrossed in yourself that life is working because of you on this planet. Life was there before you, is there with you & will be there after you. We all are the subset of it. So whatever  you consider has given life to you, practice once a day (especially in morning after you get up) of Joining hands and bowing down to thank them to have brought you to this planet.

Why Migraine Happens & How to fix it without Pills.

If we just follow the cycles of nature, health will be the natural state of your body without taking any pills.   Being Healthy is the natural state of your body.  It all comes down to few basic things. What you eat, When you eat, how you eat, what time do you sleep, what time do you wake up, How much you exercise (Not too less & Now too much). We don't have the basic understanding because mostly we did not ask & now one told us because they themselves did not know. I will try to put down as much knowledge as possible in different blogs. Now about the Migraines: The best thing you can help yourself in handling it is you gotta sleep on time, Regularly , period. Be in bed by 930 pm . To make you understand why I am saying this is because between 10pm-2am every night, fire (digestive) becomes active in body . This is to burn down all the toxins that it has accumulated during the day so as to make body afresh for next day. Just like house keeping of a building cleans...


If you feel tired everyday when you first get up in morning, it means you are doing something fundamentally incorrect. i.e. Too much exercise or eating heavy food late at night (after 8 PM) are all contributors towards it. Perform Exercise in moderation & take your dinner on time & see how it changes your life.

We are far from Being Perfect!! - Karan

I was having a conversation this Sunday with one of my friends (A girl) around 40 & she was like I wanna date someone who has perfect body, has brains, has money & perfect in all sense. I was wondering if he is the one who is perfect in all sense then why should he date you in first place because you are far from it??? The sense I got was basically she was negating the fact that there can be any negative with a guy & all she was looking for positives in him.In other words she wasn't accepting her negatives so the same she was projecting outside. Remember the outer world is the reflection of your inner-self. Its like a mirror. One has to understand there is and will not be a single man or a woman who is perfect in all sense. If you are looking for one you are looking for an illusion a mirage. The Physical world will always have duality (Ligh/Dark Nature) in everything. Nothing is one sided. Accept the person as he/she is when you meet her, not what he or she can b...

How Men & Women are Fundamentally different in Nature & What do they want?

All this information is based on the fact that you are looking for a passionate relationship with an individual. If you are looking for a person so that things just go by without any passion then this info is not for you. Men & Women are fundamentally different in nature. There is a reason why two of them were made A Man & A Woman. Nature gave you the sex in mother's womb even before you were born so literally you don't have a choice in that.  Even if you change the sex by some surgeries the fundamental Energy Core will be  Masculine if men & Feminine if women will remain same & if your external actions are not congruent with your core you will remain unsatisfied.  Which means for a man if a relationship becomes most important thing in his life & he forgets his true purpose in his life his masculine core will remain unsatisfied (whatever he tries to do like distract himself unless) he involves himself in his true purpose again For ...

Quote - Law of Attraction


Life - Interplay of Energy in million forms

Everything around you see, watch, feel is the play of energy. Life is the interplay of Light & Dark energy in physicality. It has to induce polarity for you to see contrast so that there is a desire in you to be better. You can call light & dark energy as positive energy or negative energy, yin or yang or even you can  call it as Energy-1 & Energy-2. It does not make any difference. Your body has both positive energy & negative energy. Positivity is the light nature of life-energy which  is the domain of heart. Joy, love, peaceful, being calm, happy is the positive nature of the energy. The  Dark side is Fear, hatred, jealousy, impatience, desperation etc. which is the domain of brain. Basically  they are the high states & low states of life-energy. When you are too much identified with low state of  energy you go into depression . When you are identified with too much of lighter aspects of life-energy  you go into high state...





When does one moves or develop spiritual direction in life?

Not everyone is ready for it & Not everyone has to do it. Its usually one of these things: Either you grow up in a family where spiritual processes are emphasized more than anything else. You might develop interest in it while growing up when you reach a particular level of maturity in your life. When the pain in life becomes intolerable or you hit Rock Bottom where you realize you have to change something about your life.  Or the day when you realize that the Physicality (Money, Job, Cars, travel,Vacation)  does not fulfill the depth & give you the Completeness you have been longing for in your life. That is when you will move in this direction. And you cant rush this process. Unless you experience physicality & see/feel limitations beyond it, you wont feel like moving or developing spiritual direction in your life. If life wants you to do it, it will push you (create above circumstances to move you) in this direction. If not then relax, its not in you...

Understanding About Life

Some things I would like to share regarding understanding about life I have gained over period of years: Life is just energy in motion. The energy is present everywhere in solid matter & empty space to the farthest ends of Universe. (Science didn't have understanding about it so they termed it as dark energy now) & We all (Planets, stars, galaxies, plants, animals, ant, elephant, Human Beings) are all part or subset of this energy. The energy is just trying to experience the physicality so that's why you see all the creations( physical things around you) like planets stars etc. Its non judgemental & does not judge you for right or wrong,  This energy or what you call Life is purely positive in nature, full of Joy, Happiness & peacefulness. It always looks after you & always do good for you even when you are against it. Life has an agenda to bring you onto this planet. There is some purpose behind you birth here which will unfold ev...

Why do you get Sick (flu/fever etc.)?

Take a look around you. Not everyone is getting sick , some people are maintaining finicky hygiene (Chlorox, wipes etc etc) but still they get sick. And some who don’t even care about it seems to go through well through the season. What’s going on? You do not get sick because someone is carrying germs around you or because you are touching someone (Anyways, there are thousands of bacteria/viruses in you & around you at any point of time). Y ou get sick when your body’s immunity is compromised. The immunity of the Body is directly related to the digestive fire of your body. When you don’t eat properly your digestive fire ( Agni ) gets affected leading to malabsorption of food in body thus creating toxins which creates diseases. It all depends on following factors: 1.    What you eat (eating food depending on the season & body type). The digestive fire is weakest when the season changes. So if you can maintain the strength of agni in your body at the t...

The Deepest Pleasure you are yearning for!!

You had everything a house, car, phone, marriage, wife, children, relationships, girlfriends, boyfriends, drinks, smoke, booze, drugs, nature and yet it did not fulfill you, not for long. What is this inadequacy? What is it that will make you completely fulfilled, happy & secure? What is it that you are yearning to merge into. You had everything or are in process of getting everything and yet there is still something lacking. What is it that you are longing for?  It’s the union with the Consciousness. To be precise it’s the union between you and the Consciousness. Consciousness that is ever present, all pervading, totally loving, and un-perturbing. Booze, drinks, drugs, sex is all toned down version of this merging. When you don’t get connected to it (inside your body), it creates tension and its own need to get released in the form of external action to get connected to it and the cycle keeps on continuing. With Love Ankur

Happiness – A flower to Blossom

Happiness is like a flower. It will only blossom when required amount of balance is there between your energies which shows through your thoughts & emotions. Just as to grow a flower all that is required is right amount of sunlight, soil, water air & space, similarly when you have right balance in you between your energies, the happiness is bound to blossom and the path to create that balance is through Yoga & Meditation. Both of them are required. Doing one without the other is like driving a car without steering wheel. You will reach somewhere but you will never reach your destination (which is being totally blissful & happy by yourself). Just as growing a flower is the consequence or end result of giving the right conditions to the seed of the flower. Similarly, Happiness is the consequence or end result of creating right conditions in your body through yoga & meditation. If you give it, your body has no choice but to unfold happiness within you. W...

Are you Forcing Happiness or Are you Happy, Naturally?

Lets say I asked you to grow a flower (Lets take an example of  Rose). How will you do it. What will you do? You will take the Rose Seed, bury it in the soil where there is right amount of sunlight air & space.You will water it everyday & make sure that it gets right amount of it. Eventually & slowly the stem will shoot from the ground & start rising. Then the leafs will come out & then the flower bud. After a while the flower bud pops up & eventually the Rose will start to grow & unfold. Now in this whole process what exactly did you do to grow the flower. You did not force it to come out of stem beforehand, you could not. Even if you were in a hurry to grow it, the nature took its own time to grow it . All you had to do was to provide  soil, sunlight, air, space & water. The flower was the consequence or the end result of the process that you did to grow it. Similarly Being Joyful, Happy & Peaceful is the consequence or ...

Are you Forcing Happiness or is it Natural Happiness

Lets say I asked you to grow a flower (Lets take an example of  Rose). How will you do it. What will you do? You will take the Rose Seed, bury it in the soil where there is right amount of sunlight air & space.You will water it everyday & make sure that it gets right amount of it. Eventually & slowly the stem will shoot from the ground & start rising. Then the leafs will come out & then the flower bud. After a while the flower bud pops up & eventually the Rose will start to grow & unfold. Now in this whole process what exactly did you do to grow the flower. You did not force it to come out of stem beforehand, you could not. Even if you were in a hurry to grow it, the nature took its own time to grow it . All you had to do was to provide  soil, sunlight, air, space & water. The flower was the consequence or the end result of the process that you did to grow it. Similarly Being Joyful, Happy & Peaceful is the consequence or end result o...

Life-Energy or Consciousness - Ankur

Certainly, you were not born with a manual that you will operate in certain way But what is it that makes your life different from others. Take a case of your brother or sister or may be a twin brothers or twin sisters. Why is it that even twin brothers do not have the exactly the same life? Although they look identical their life is totally different. What is it that makes one life different from other? For Example: There are 10 cars in front of me & my friend. Out of those I will like a different set of cars and my friend will like a different set of cars. Certainly, we both are not liking all the 10 cars. If both of us are liking all the cars then we could have safely said that nothing is differentiating between us. But that's not the case. I like certain set of cars & my friend likes another set of cars out of those 10. Clearly, there is something that is resonating inside my body with those cars which is different from my friend's choice. It’s like the...

Body is able to heal the wound but is not able to heal the Brain's Negativity, Why??

What is Energy? Energy is a force behind anything that helps the object to move or perform some task. Take a moment and look around you at this very moment..Plants are growing,so there is energy behind or in them. Water is raging in oceans,again energy in it or behind it.Wind is blowing,earth is moving.In fact the black space you see has been deduced by western scientists that its not vacuum It's dark energy. Basically the space above appears black that's why its termed as dark energy otherwise there is nothing dark about it.That energy is positive in nature because its growing everything. So in nutshell everything around you has energy, Ultimately Life is the energy itself. Now lets consider the human body and particularly  just one cell of your body. That one cell lets say the Blood cell (RBC) is moving around  in your body. Since its moving around it has energy in it or behind it.  Now how many cells are there in body.There are billions of them .So if one cell ...