Life - Interplay of Energy in million forms

Everything around you see, watch, feel is the play of energy. Life is the interplay of Light & Dark energy
in physicality. It has to induce polarity for you to see contrast so that there is a desire in you to be better.
You can call light & dark energy as positive energy or negative energy, yin or yang or even you can 
call it as Energy-1 & Energy-2. It does not make any difference.
Your body has both positive energy & negative energy. Positivity is the light nature of life-energy which 
is the domain of heart. Joy, love, peaceful, being calm, happy is the positive nature of the energy. The 
Dark side is Fear, hatred, jealousy, impatience, desperation etc. which is the domain of brain. Basically 
they are the high states & low states of life-energy. When you are too much identified with low state of 
energy you go into depression. When you are identified with too much of lighter aspects of life-energy 
you go into high states. Both ends of spectrum of energy cannot be handled by body for long.  
You would have noticed with you whenever you have gone into too much of high state there
is a sudden onset of low state which you call as depression & then you feel too low & 
then you crave for high & the cycle continues.
Your body only understands balance.  It cannot handle excess of positive or negative energy 
for long. Eventually It starts breaking down in the form of chronic diseases like blood pressure, diabetes 
etc. which is rampant these days.
Also, this imbalance of energy in your body is the main reason why your mind is not silent 
& keeps on getting negative thoughts & does not stops thinking even if you want it too. 
An Observation I wanted to share with you (No Offense) Have you seen people around you drinking
coffee & smoking a cigarette simultaneously? What do you think is happening?
What’s happening is they are trying to calm down their nerves by smoking a cigarette, But on the other
hand they are trying to give themselves a kick (caffeine) in the form of coffee so that they have energy 
to do work. What they are trying to do is to achieve the balance, the same balance which was there 
when you never started smoking your first cigarette or first coffee. 
Your life energy/Consciousness was keeping everything in balance for you in your body until you 
started ruining it unknowingly. That’s why a child doesn’t smoke or drinks coffee simultaneously!!
When you have balance of energy your body will function in an optimum state with most efficiency.  
You will always be happy 24 hrs a day (not high) but you will feel that high being in a balanced 
state. It’s like a paradox. Like how can I have high state be in a balanced state?  You will 
have to feel it to know it. You won’t require any alcohol, drug for that matter again to have high 
state because you will be high & still have balance of life-energies in you all the time. You wont do 
any work for being happy as you will already be happy. Just imagine the situation where you are 
always happy & you are doing things out of inspiration & not out of fear.

How did you create the imbalance of energy in first place?
It started unconsciously (unknowingly) because as a child you had little awareness in you on how 
the body functions & how your mind is functioning. As you started to grow & see the external world 
you start identifying with things around you: Both positive & negative. When you started identifying 
with negative things & experiences in you, you start building negative momentum in your mind. Now
What is negative momentum?
There are three parts of brain:
  • Conscious
  • Sub-Conscious 
  • Unconscious 
The interesting one is Subconscious. When you repeat something over & over again enough number
of times it gets into your subconscious mind. It takes approximately 21 days or (3 weeks) to form a habit. 
Once that activity or thought is in your subconscious it runs in auto mode. It is same like you don’t have to
think about eating food, walking or talking.
The life gave you this capacity so that you can use the conscious mind for other important tasks.
Otherwise every time you had to talk you would have start learning “A,B,C,D” again.
The same rule applies for thoughts. Any positive thought for you is not the problem. It’s the negative
thought which creates problem. If you keep on thinking over & over again the same negative thought 
it will enter into your subconscious mind (app. 21 days) & after that it starts running in auto mode. 
Basically a negative thought will enter your subconscious because you are giving focus & 
attention to it.
In other words you have identified yourself with that thought.This identification is the main 
reason you created an imbalance of negative energy inside you.
Now mind is a survival machine. It fears & protects the body when any threat it is given. Nature has 
given it two options either fight the threat or take a flight (runaway).
This flight & fight response for external threat is understandable. Since human body including 
brain has been designed to be survival machine to survive you any harm coming onto you either fight 
any external threat or run away.
But when you start fighting or taking a flight with an internal threat ( Emotional turmoil,pain, 
abuse, trauma) this becomes a problem. Here you do three things again.
  • Suppression of thoughts & Emotions. Either by Alcohol or Drugs. (Fight Response).
  • Repression (Avoiding the painful thoughts & trying to think about other things).
    • Fight & Flight Response
  • Distracting yourself into task to avoid troubling thoughts & emotions, sometimes being Workaholic
    •  (Flight Response).
When you apply above three methods to handle your thoughts & emotions you unknowingly 
perpetuate more negative energy in you which in-turn produces more negative thoughts. That’s 
why you see when you keep on suppressing negative thoughts again & again it comes back with double
the force with last time it was affecting you.
Suppression, Repression or Running away perpetuates more negative energy in you thus 
increasing your negative momentum of mind with no relief. The suppressed negative energy 
behind these thoughts are not only in your mind but in your body too. The cells not only store 
nutritional energy but these suppressed energies too which eventually leads the body to break down. 
You might have noticed when you have negative thoughts or emotions the whole body reacts. 
Your muscles tense up especially neck muscles.Your heart rate increases. Your digestion goes in 
disarray. The body is reacting to the negative energy or the imbalance that has been created.
So what do you do. How do you handle these negative thoughts & Emotions? You saw the above 
three factors do not work. It in-turn perpetuates more negative energy with more thoughts in you.
Its called the ‘Art of letting go’.. Not a mind strategy again but Meditation..I will discuss this 
  1. in my next post on exactly how to meditate.


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