You attract what you are!!
Now, What do I mean by that?
The Whole Universe is responding to how you are Vibrating/Feeling from inside in this present moment. If your feeling is rooted in Joy/Love your external reality will become the same. By external reality I mean your friends & Relationships, career, joy etc. If you are rooted in fear, Struggle your external reality will become the same.
If you want to know how you are Vibrating basically you can know right away. Just below where your Rib cage ends & where your Belly starts is your emotional center. This emotional center will give you a Reality check how you are feeling in the present moment. Are you feeling spacey, fearful, angry, Jealous, reckless or Are you feeling Happy, Joyful, Peaceful & rooted in love, this emotional center will tell you that.
In other words the more you are connected with the life inside you the more you are rooted in Love,Peace,Joy & Happiness. The more you are disconnected from life inside you the more you are rooted towards the other end of spectrum(fear/struggle) etc. It is that Simple. Life has very simple rules.
You would have heard people saying: "Before finding fault with others first correct yourself". Its because you are attracting what you are yourself. In any relationship also if the husband & wife truly align with their true nature more than half of the issues will get resolved by themselves.
There is nothing to fix outside. You would have seen how futile it is to fix another person. The moment you tell him or her that they are doing wrong they will get defensive. Its because there is nothing to fix outside. You can only correct your own path. Rest everything will fall in place.
I will cover in future posts how to get rooted in Love,Joy peace etc. where you are happy permanently 100% of the time.
With Love
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