Why do you get Sick (flu/fever etc.)?

Take a look around you. Not everyone is getting sick, some people are maintaining finicky hygiene (Chlorox, wipes etc etc) but still they get sick. And some who don’t even care about it seems to go through well through the season. What’s going on?

You do not get sick because someone is carrying germs around you or because you are touching someone (Anyways, there are thousands of bacteria/viruses in you & around you at any point of time).

You get sick when your body’s immunity is compromised. The immunity of the Body is directly related to the digestive fire of your body.

When you don’t eat properly your digestive fire (Agni) gets affected leading to malabsorption of food in body thus creating toxins which creates diseases. It all depends on following factors:

1.   What you eat (eating food depending on the season & body type). The digestive fire is weakest when the season changes. So if you can maintain the strength of agni in your body at the time when season changes you won’t get sick.

2.   When (what time of the day you eat food. Do you keep stuffing food or give ample space 3-4 hours of eating food). If you don’t allow that span time & keep on chugging food into your body the food previously you have taken will not get digested. The undigested food creates toxins again compromising your immunity. The good thumb rule is to eat when you are hungry. Don’t eat for the heck of eating food.

3.   How do you eat the food (slower or faster meaning does your food digest well or not). Food eaten faster does not get digested & leaves as it is which creates toxins in body.

Also, For example, If you drink icy water or cola in winter how do you expect to have good immunity in your body to fight for diseases. Icy water is like throwing cold water on a burning flame which will douse the flame. In this case its your digestive fire. Innocently you don’t even realize what’s hitting you.

The whole above knowledge is already defined in “Ayurveda” the ancient Indian Medical Science 5000 years old. Seems like people back then understood body more than ever than what we understand today. I will cover more blogs on that.

You might argue that the doctor now says or studies have shown that its ok to eat anything or everything at any point of time. But think about it. Whatever you have been doing for so many years has made you sick one way or other and has not led you to skip doctor anyhow or you have just got accustomed to the fact that getting sick is a normal thing. Its always good to prevent it than let it happen & then try to correct it which might or might not happen. Try something different.

Body & Disease is like Soil & Seed. When the soil is fertile the seed ripens & grows. Similarly, when your body’s immunity is low (fertile for diseases or sickness) the disease (seed) will grow.




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