How Men & Women are Fundamentally different in Nature & What do they want?

All this information is based on the fact that you are looking for a passionate relationship with an individual. If you are looking for a person so that things just go by without any passion then this info is not for you.

Men & Women are fundamentally different in nature. There is a reason why two of them were made A Man & A Woman. Nature gave you the sex in mother's womb even before you were born so literally you don't have a choice in that. 
Even if you change the sex by some surgeries the fundamental Energy Core will be  Masculine if men & Feminine if women will remain same & if your external actions are not congruent with your core you will remain unsatisfied. 
Which means for a man if a relationship becomes most important thing in his life & he forgets his true purpose in his life his masculine core will remain unsatisfied (whatever he tries to do like distract himself unless) he involves himself in his true purpose again
For Women she can become most powerful human being in the world or climb to top of corporate ladder but if she doesn't have an intimate relationship in her life with love fully flowing in it her Feminine core will remain unsatisfied whatever she does or try to distract herself into like work etc.

Take a look at below diagram:


Men have more dominant masculine energy & Women have more dominant Feminine Energy. But both of them have both the energies where you see them at the intersection of the circles. The percentages are symbolizing that one energy is more dominant then the other. Since the dominant energy in one is different then the other the behavior of the two sexes will be different.

These are the fundamental Differences between men & Women:
  • He rests as pure consciousness. She rests as pure energy. 
    • Pure Consciousness means pure awareness & is totally present, totally loving & un-perturbing.
    • Pure Energy is total motion & full of love.
  • He drive things with the logic. She drives things with pure Emotion (Love).
  • He lives in a time grid fashion. For him the past of a person is totally relevant. 
    • She lives in the present moment. For her past is ir-relavent. 
    • A man could be spot-on with no mistakes for last 10 years in his relationship with his woman, but if he has committed a mistake in this moment she will forget that he has been perfect with her for last 10 years in the relationship. He will have to error correct his mistake before his women will open up to him again.
  • A man is responsible for direction in a relationship. He should know whats his relationship is about & where it is heading Financially, Spiritually, Emotionally, Physically. She is responsible for the energy behind relationship. She provides the energy to him so that he pushes in the direction he wants to go to. She brings him back into his body when he gets too much in head.
Why do Relationship fails (Core Reason)?

If both men & women have come from healthy families & they have not gone through any trauma or other things then this will mostly apply, otherwise one should try to work on one's own issues first.

Both Men & Women must play their roles if they are to survive an intimate relationship. For Men its Masculine pole & For Women its Feminine Pole. If both start encroaching into each others domain for a long time the polarity will reverse & the relationship will eventually fall apart. Once in a while its fine but it should not become a daily habit.

Mostly this is on men because they are responsible for direction in relationship. A man must know where  the relationship is heading. If he fails to give direction in every way Financially, Spiritually, Physically,Mentally, Emotionally she will start to take taking direction herself & for her man which is like for her moving into masculine domain. The polarity will start reversing & you will eventually become more feminine & she in masculine & the juice of attraction will start drying up eventually leading to failure of relationship.

From Women's perspective if they are already in too much masculine before they got into relationship they would have to learn how to get into Feminine when she is together with her husband/boyfriend etc. The feminine means like being playful, dressing sexily for him, allowing him to take the lead etc. If she doesn't understand how to get into playful feminine energy they will both end up being Man (Masculine) in the relationship. The guy will start seeking the feminine energy elsewhere in other young woman for that refreshing energy & thus relationship will fall apart.

What Women Wants?
  • What a women wants in a man is someone who knows his true purpose in life what he wants to do. She wants a real Masculine man who goes for what he wants, doesn't get disheartened when the things go wrong & when he commit mistakes he picks himself up, dust himself off & goes back onto his path again. She wants a Rock & a Mountain who doesn't move even if it is blowing gale.
  • She wants a man who has a spine who can stand for himself when she throws storms as him. A man who knows that the path he has chosen from his deepest wisdom is the right one & stays on it despite her storms that she will leave him if he doesn't do what she wants.
 What a Man Wants?
  • What a man wants in a women is who is enlivening with her feminine energy who energizes him with her radiance. A man does not care if his women is the Vice President of a Company or she is earning a million bucks unless he is with you for lesser reasons. They really don't care. 
  • The deep core instinct for a man who is in his true masculine is to have a feminine woman who is fertile & will procreate with him & give birth to his children. Rest all becomes secondary. That's why you see why man runs towards a younger women because he finds her more enlivening then an older women.

With Love


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