Understanding About Life
Some things I would like to share regarding understanding about life I have gained over period of years:
- Life is just energy in motion. The energy is present everywhere in solid matter & empty space to the farthest ends of Universe. (Science didn't have understanding about it so they termed it as dark energy now) & We all (Planets, stars, galaxies, plants, animals, ant, elephant, Human Beings) are all part or subset of this energy.
- The energy is just trying to experience the physicality so that's why you see all the creations( physical things around you) like planets stars etc. Its non judgemental & does not judge you for right or wrong,
- This energy or what you call Life is purely positive in nature, full of Joy, Happiness & peacefulness. It always looks after you & always do good for you even when you are against it.
- Life has an agenda to bring you onto this planet. There is some purpose behind you birth here which will unfold eventually. Things always happen for a reason which you might not understand at particular point of time. But when you connect dots backward you will see how wonderfully life unfolded things for you & your own good.
- Your desire is basically life's desire. life always gives you what you want including the state of your being. Meaning if you have negativity inside you, Life will manifest the desire you want including the negative part of that desire. For example you wanted a good car that solves your purpose of daily commute, but out of impulsiveness since your friend bought a sports car you went and bought say corvette. No doubt car is good but the loan of the car is the negative part of that desire. Since you were negative(impulsiveness) you got the desire that was negative. Its not a perfect but you can get a gist of what I am saying.You can implement this in any area of your life.
- The best way I have found to expunge this negativity inside you is systematic process of Yoga & Meditation. Yoga & meditation are the most natural process which will bring you closer to the positivity of life. If you wanna seriously do it go to India place where it originated. Especially Southern India where its still taught so well. Rest all process I have found is that you will see they are not working in long run or you will stop doing them.
- Some things that happen in your life that are negative events are there to make you understand about life itself. Its way of life telling you that you have deviated from life's agenda.As I said earlier Life always looks after you for your own good so if you just relax & let life take you on its course everything will turn out to be positive. Even if its negative you will take it in positive stride.
- Logic is just one dimension of life (energy). If you are too overdependent on it it will make you go crazy. Most people do not understand other dimensions of life so they have termed it as Chance or Luck.
- Women are closest to life or in other words Women are the life itself or divine incarnation of the feminine. Whatever is applicable on life is applicable on women & vice versa. Since life always wants good for you, women always want good for you. They are there to make things better including men.
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