What Women really want from a man – Cracking the code
What Women really want from men – Cracking the code Well this question has bothered many men including me & like most men I was clueless too for about 32 years of my life on this planet. But finally with so much messing up & seeking answers I was finally able to understand (Still there is a lot of learning to do) whats going on. The answers doesn't lie on the surface but lies in the fundamentals of energy through which man & women were created which I will explain it to you in below post. For a man & like most men the primary goal in the life is their “purpose in life”. If your purpose whatever that might be that you do to earn a living is going great you will be happy even if your intimacy with your girl friend or wife is going sideways. For a women if their intimacy / love is flowing great with their partner they will be happy throughout the day. Their day will be filled with color. This is because “Flow of Love” is the primary goal of ...