Evolution of Experiences
Familiar with below experiences:
- Your mind keeps on making so much noise/chatter that you do not seem to get a way out of it..Even when you do not want it to make noise it still makes so much noise that you have to pop in a pill or that cigarette or that drink to make it silent..& you do not even understand why???
- You keep on saying positive affirmations like I am Bold,I am confident,I will be good to people but still keep on attracting negative realities & negative people around you & again you do not even understand why.
- When you get something new you become too excited (high) & when that something leaves you get too low(depressed)..or in other words Monday blues & Friday highs..
- You think that when you will get that thing that relationship that house that car then your life will be at the best..but when you even get it it still the same. moreover it does not make much difference whether that thing is still there or not there in your life..
You can choose to defend what you are right now & be stuck where you are or you can cross the river & see the blissfulness on the other side..
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