How Men & Women are Fundamentally different in Nature & What do they want?
All this information is based on the fact that you are looking for a passionate relationship with an individual. If you are looking for a person so that things just go by without any passion then this info is not for you. Men & Women are fundamentally different in nature. There is a reason why two of them were made A Man & A Woman. Nature gave you the sex in mother's womb even before you were born so literally you don't have a choice in that. Even if you change the sex by some surgeries the fundamental Energy Core will be Masculine if men & Feminine if women will remain same & if your external actions are not congruent with your core you will remain unsatisfied. Which means for a man if a relationship becomes most important thing in his life & he forgets his true purpose in his life his masculine core will remain unsatisfied (whatever he tries to do like distract himself unless) he involves himself in his true purpose again For ...